
Yes MOMs can have it ALL!

  We’re on the edge of a digital era and a lot of moms are looking for ways to  balance  everything. This isn’t a new concept, but it seems like moms in the modern and digitally-driven era put more pressure on themselves than ever because there are constant reminders on blog posts and social media that they’re just not doing enough, or so it would seem. If you’re excelling in your career you might feel like your kids aren’t getting the best of you, and if you’re putting a lot of focus on your kids, you may feel like the people at work are resentful, or you’re not productive enough. Taking you through the schedule I follow each day for a better life balance between time I give my work and my 2 year old son MAKE YOUR EARLY MORNING AS "ME TIME" Fresh deep breathes not only nourishes our lungs but our soul too.We get time to deeply impact our sensory organs in the best of ways and this time helps us talk to our inner self.I spend 30-40 minutes either in Yoga/Zumba for waking up e